Download our free guide to the UKCA Mark & CE Marking

Our free guide to The UKCA Mark & CE Marking - Changes to product compliance, certification, testing and market access - is now available to download.

The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) mark is the new UK product mark that will be required for certain products being placed on the market in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland). It covers most products that previously required the CE mark.

This free guide explains the headline changes as well as those that apply specifically when you’re placing products onto the GB, NI & EU markets. There’s also an expanded FAQ section which covers the questions that we’ve been asked over the past 12 months.

Download our new guide to the UKCA Mark & CE Marking –  Changes to product compliance, certification, testing and market access and find out what these changes mean for you and your product compliance.


Do you have any questions about the UKCA Mark or product complance?

If you need any more information or assistance with any aspects of product testing, certification or compliance, get in touch and we can help you get your products to market, on-time and on-budget.